Thursday, July 26, 2012

Greek's Papachristou Removed from 2012 London Olympics

The 2012 Olympic Games from London starts off with racism and controversy days prior to the opening ceremonies. Voula Papachristou Greece's Olympic hopeful for the Gold Medal in the Triple Jump has been removed from the Greek National team and deemed barred from the Olympic games for her Xenophobic remarks about West Africans in her homeland. 

On July 22nd 2012 Papachristou using her Twitter account posted the following comment; 
“with so many Africans in Greece, at least the West Nile mosquitos will be eating food from their own home.” This comment which is Xenophobic meaning "unreasonably fearful of or hating anyone or anything foreign or strange" has caught fire in the Olympic International Community and viewed as racist by fans and spectators around the globe. 

The Greek government issued a statement to the international community following her Twitter post stating 
“Racist humor and ”jokes” concerning human lives are not tolerated by the Greek society,  can not thrive in Greek athletics. The least the  Greek Olympic Committee can do now is to revoke Ms Voula Papachristou from the Olympic Games. Watching the Olympics on TV screen, she could do as many vile ”jokes” she wants through the social media. But for sure, she can not represent Greece in London.”

As her statement and post flooded the internet Papachristou issued an apology Wednesday afternoon;
 “I would like to express my heartfelt apologies for the unfortunate and tasteless joke I published on my personal Twitter account. I am very sorry and ashamed for the negative responses I triggered, since I never wanted to offend anyone, or to encroach human rights.
My dream is connected to the Olympic Games and I could not possibly participate if I did not respect their values. Therefore, I could never believe in discrimination between human beings and races.
I would like to apologize to all my friends and fellow athletes, who I may have insulted or shamed, the National Team, as well as the people and companies who support my athletic career. Finally, I would like to apologize to my coach and my family.”
The apology feel on deaf ears as the Greek government has held stead fast in keeping with their ruling and no allowing Papachristou  to participate in the 2012 London Olympics. Her comments were definitely misrepresent the peaceful spirit of togetherness that the Olympics represent around the world.   Whether Papachristou statement was suppose to be presented as a playful joke or not this is not what the Olympics are about. 
In the opinion of JMC Sportsbook, her comment was not in the true definition of racism but her comment hinted with a sense of Xenophobia and of a world citizen athlete who does not realize her own shadow, her own spotlight, an individual that made a stupid decision. She was an Olympic athlete, Olympic athletes should represent the world "well the world is currently at war" but Olympic athletes should represent peace in the world not divide it. Her actions were careless and put out into the public for the world to view and witness. She should of recognized her own shadow, she should of recognized the public and world view of her as a person so this comment shows a lack of understanding her true identity.  Since she did not understand her identity as an Olympic athlete, she is no longer an Olympic athlete...
Did the Greek's overreact by removing Papchristou from the Olympic team?
Voula Papachristou Twitter page comment link: 
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Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that an olympic athelete would deem the comment funny..except in a ugly, demeaning context.. She then issued a non apology, apology, she apologizes for the negative responses she has drawn, but not apologizing for the insensitive and hurtful comment regarding a a group/race/country of people. I don't think she realizes the depth of her words or maybe believes because this is the way she feels personally, she should be able to speak it freely.. And she should.. But not as a representative of her country before the world, to the world. She had a higher calling as an olympian, one which she clearly didn't understand or respect..

Anonymous said...


And if a male athlete had made sexist or misogynist remarks...

In a world where anti-racist liberals use free speech rhetoric to defend the indefensible, from an unregulated internet to pornography glorifying simulated gang-rape, talking about what's insensitive and senseless just doesn't cut it, I'm afraid.

This is just another incident showing people joining the ranks of millions of hypocrites and idiots who can see that racism is a no-no but think misogyny is a constitutional right.

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